Smart of the Week Compilation

December 24, 2016 / D2 / Smart of the Week

Welcome back to More Than Hearing! This episode is a special edition that brings together all our “Smart of the Week” segments. Each is a couple minutes’ exploration going into a little more depth on one of the eight intelligences identified by Dr. Howard Gardner. They follow the same pattern of defining the Smart, especially using material from Dr. Gardner and from Dr. Thomas Armstrong, then a bit about how the Smart manifests itself in people’s learning, behavior, and work, and finally a look at how the Smart has found and may find a place in the life and worship of the Church.

These segments are still just introductions, but we hope they will give beginners in multiple intelligence theory a good grounding in each of the eight intelligences. For those already familiar, we hope these will serve to freshen your thoughts and maybe give you another way of thinking about the Smarts and how to use them for your illustrations and special effects.

The Smarts

Eye Smart [05:48] – originally aired in Year C, Advent 2, 2015

Music Smart [08:00]- originally aired in Year C, Advent 4, 2015

Body Smart [11:40]- originally aired in Year C, Baptism of the Lord, 2016

Math Smart [13:51]- originally aired in Year C, Ordinary 3, 2016

People Smart [16:15]- originally aired in Year C, Lent 2, 2016

Word Smart [19:00]- originally aired in Year C, Easter 4, 2016

Self Smart [21:27]- originally aired in Year C, Ordinary 17, 2016

Nature Smart [24:17] – premiering in this episode!


Image credit: Copyright: bimdeedee / 123RF Stock Photo


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