Year A, Lent 5, 2020 – New Life

March 27, 2020 / Molly Douthett / Lent

Hey everyone! We’ve been swamped this week. A lot of new ways of doing ministry has kept us away from producing a show. We are re-posting our episode from three years ago for these texts. You can see our show notes and download our worksheets at this link.

Our intention in the next week is to post a video with some suggestions for presenting illustrations and special effects for online worshipping. When we started this podcast five years ago, we never dreamed we would need to distance ourselves from hands on worship. This is a new world, and I suspect that online worship will truly go mainstream even after we can gather again safely.

We pray you all are well, and that this time, while unnerving, will provide you with new and creative ways to be the Body of Christ. Keep the faith, pray for everyone on the frontlines, pray for those suffering through the disease and grief of lost loved ones, and know you are mightily loved.

Grace and peace,
Molly and David

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