Year C, Advent 1, 2015 – Welcome to More Than Hearing!

November 16, 2015 / D2 / Advent

Welcome to the first podcast of More Than Hearing! David and I are pleased you have come by and hope you will return often. We decided to begin this project in order to open up possibilities for preaching and worship leadership using Dr. Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences. For more information about it, click the link at the top of the page.

We will incorporate the various “smarts” from this theory to help you prepare sermons using the Revised Common Lectionary as a starting point. This podcast covers the selections for the First Sunday in Advent, Year C. We identified some themes across the readings, including:

  1. Jeremiah 33:14-16; endurance, anticipation, lessons from nature, rising/standing before the Lord. We identified nature, body, and visual smarts as ways to explore these themes.
  2. Psalm 25:1-10; guidance, security, receptiveness to God’s leading/teaching. We used math, music, self, and nature smarts.
  3. 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13; belonging, anticipation, abundance, joy. We used self, group, and math smart.
  4. Luke 21:25-36; watchfulness, waiting, how to wait for the Lord. We used were self, body, math, and nature.

We did not use visual or verbal smarts because these get used pretty much all the time. That is not to say we won’t ever use them, but we are specifically attempting to put the seven other smarts to work for us.

We identified three music smart elements for use in Jeremiah, the Psalm, and Luke. We either didn’t include them in the show or just mentioned them briefly, so here they are.

  1. Jeremiah – the poem “Whosoever Plants a Tree” by Felix Dennis. Click this link for a cool video of the author reading it!
  2. Psalm 25 – “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost. We mentioned this one very briefly.
  3. Luke 21 – Click these links for information about the jazz standard “When the Saints Go Marching In.” Pay special attention to the parallel lyrics in the song and in the Gospel. lyricswikipedia


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