Year C, Ordinary 12 (Proper 7), 2019 – “E Pluribus Unum”

June 22, 2019 / Molly Douthett / Ordinary Time

Hey everyone! We are really late this week; I’ve had a series of pastoral calls that kept me on the road to various hospitals and nursing facilities. It ain’t over yet, either. David has also been drawn away a bit, as well. So we are doing a bit of an abbreviated show this week looking at only the Gospel and Epistle lessons. The Gospel is the story of the Gerasene demoniac who when asked by Jesus his name responds, “We are Legion.” Then, in his letter to the Galatians, Paul stresses the new union believers experience in Jesus. (For a MUSIC smart bonus, listen to this song Many and One by Steve Angrisano.) In the first story, Jesus heals a man who has been fractured into many pieces and makes him one. In Paul’s letter, he encourages the many parts of the Galatian fellowship to see themselves as one in Christ. In each, pieces are integrated by God’s intention for wholeness. It’s a lesson for our divided world, isn’t it? E pluribus unum, indeed.

Smarts for the Week

To see what we suggested for this Sunday three years ago, follow this link. (Those Android commercials!! and Der Kommissar!) The worksheets for this week’s show are below and free to download. This week, we are emphasizing NATURE and PEOPLE smart.

This Week’s Texts

Luke 8:26-39 [07:43]

This text is thick with possibility for preaching, and while we are sticking to NATURE and PEOPLE, the other intelligences are represented here, as well. Use a map to find a likely spot for this story as an EYE smart special effect and sing “It is Well with My Soul” for MUSIC smart. Look at the Law Code in Leviticus and Deuteronomy to set up the lawlessness of the situation for MATH smart. Three years ago, we suggested the man’s BODY was ravaged by adrenaline. For this year’s cycle, David has links to powerful essays about isolation and incarceration for PEOPLE smart. For NATURE smart, think of the man’s condition and Jesus’ healing in terms of bacterial or parasitic infections and clouds obscuring the sun. Take a look at the PEOPLE smart worksheet for some bonus WORD smart thoughts.

Galatians 3:23-29 [23:48]

Three years ago, the law imprisoned and guarded us like Jiminy Cricket. This year for a PEOPLE smart illustration, try thinking of this restriction in terms of Mary Poppins! Our loverly Mary is a bit more adventurous than either Jiminy or where Paul may have been going with this thought, but while she runs a disciplined organization, she does dance with a chimney sweep who in turn dances with penguins. For a special effect, encourage your congregation to make the time to get to know someone who is not like them; really listen to one another with the goal of understanding. For NATURE smart, think of Paul’s concept of unity in diversity in terms of humans making a conscious effort to be better stewards of creation.

  • NATURE smart – [28:24]
    • The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), also known as Rio 2012
  • PEOPLE smart – [24:45]

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