Year C, Ordinary 18, 2016 – Three Out of Ten

July 30, 2016 / Molly Douthett / Ordinary Time

We regret how late this episode was posted. We got behind at the start of the week and pastoral concerns and duties appeared at the end of the week, putting a serious crimp in production schedules. We hope to be more timely in our delivery next week. Thank you for your patience and continued interest in our podcast.


Years ago, I learned a wonderful finger mnemonic for the Ten Commandments.  It is simple, fun, and very effective! In today’s Lectionary readings, three out of ten commandments are either broken or stretched to the breaking point. In Luke, Jesus has some pointed words about greed or covetousness and it’s destructive impact (#10). In Colossians, Paul writes that when we abandon wonton living (#7) and fully adorn ourselves in a new life in Christ, we choose to be faithful. And in Hosea, God is pushed to the point of wrath as Israel has worshipped other gods (#1). Yet, even then, God’s light overcomes God’s darkness, and the passage ends with words of hope and restoration. 


This week’s texts are: 

Hosea 11:1-11 [01:59]  – We are jumping ahead in Hosea from last week’s selection. In this reading, you can almost hear God’s wistfulness. I imagine God looking out over the land and the people, seeing them perfunctorily going through the sacred rituals handed down from their history in the wilderness, then rushing off to the barbecues and parties over at Ba’al’s Place. (That would be a good name for a bar.) God watches this, and then in a low voice says to the biographer sitting in the next chair, “I remember when Ephraim was a boy…..” God is the parent sitting at home on the porch, watching the dust settle back down on the road after the youngsters have paid a quick visit and then rushed off back to living their broken lives. I think what may grieve God the most is how quickly and thoroughly God has been set aside.

  • Primary Expressed Intelligence [03:15/03:51] – {MWD} People,  {D2}  People
  • Smarts – Word [08:00], Eye [08:19], Body [08:54], Music [10:23], Nature [10:29], People [04:30], Self [10:37]
  • Hosea 11 worksheet   


Colossians 3:1-11 [12:30] – This passage focuses on our identity as disciples of Jesus and while we talk a lot about how we can be re-invented or re-presented in different phases of our lives, when we “put on Christ” what we are truly doing is allowing our full identity to shine with and through Jesus. In Eye smart, we suggest a really good video about identity. In Self smart, we ask you to remember a time when you put a lot of yourself into a achieving a goal.  David thinks the Primary Expressed Intelligence is People smart and I think it is Body. We have some questions and special effects for each.

  • Primary Expressed Intelligence [13:48] – {MWD}  Body [13:58],  {D2} People [18:00]
  • Smarts – Eye [21:53],  Body [13:58], People [19:49], Self [20:52]
  • Colossians 3 worksheet   


Luke 12:13-21 [24:30] – How much is enough? In a world where 1500 million people live in extreme poverty, that’s a darn good question. Jesus had plenty to say about the poor, and in this parable he has pointed commentary about the rich, as well. I think the PEI is Self smart because Jesus is inviting people to consider their own hearts’ treasure. David thinks it is Math smart, and we explore that using an interesting special effect. We link to some popular Music with money and excess as themes and ask you to consider your worship space as a barn full of an abundant harvest – would you respond to the bursting seams the same way as the rich man in the parable or choose a more measured plan?

  • Primary Expressed Intelligence [25:50] – {MWD} Self [28:05],  {D2} Math  [26:04]
  • Smarts – Eye [29:55], Math [26:04], Music [31:06], People [31:33], Self [28:05]
  • Luke 12 worksheet   




… in Hosea 


… in Colossians


… in Luke


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