Year C, Ordinary 19, 2016 – Real Life in 4 Minutes or Less

August 6, 2016 / D2 / Ordinary Time

Okay, this week just didn’t work out at all like we hoped. As you’ll hear in the very brief episode this week, the ministry that we do in the face of life and death, in the hope of Christ’s resurrection, got the better of our recording schedule. Consequently, we got nothing. This really bugs us, as we haven’t missed an episode (without meaning to) since we started in November, but you pastors know how it goes sometimes.

So we’re sorry not to have much for you to listen to. We are posting our worksheets here so you can see where we were heading. Hopefully they’ll give you some ideas you can use or a spark for your own creative imagination.

Stick with us, friends. We’ll try again next week.

This week’s texts:

Isaiah 1:1, 10-20 – The first of Isaiah’s oracles. It isn’t pretty.

Helping Hands” on Whose Line Is It Any Way? (Because Judah’s sin was like a disconnection between their brains, their hearts, and actions.)

Chemistry of turning a clear solution red and back (Though your sins be like scarlet, I will make them white as snow.)

Isaiah 1 worksheet

Luke 12:32-40 – Don’t be afraid. Do be ready. Don’t be jerk. Do expect the Lord at any time.

Luke 12 worksheet


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