Year A, Ordinary 20, 2017 – Nevertheless, She Persisted

August 16, 2017 / Molly Douthett / Ordinary Time Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSGreetings!!  We are on vacation this week and the next but couldn’t resist the Gospel passage for Sunday. It is a treasure trove! We found material for all eight intelligences and had to work hard to limit our findings to the usual half hour show. […]

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A brief comment on Charlottesville, VA, USA, Aug. 11-12

August 16, 2017 / D2 / Thoughts Without Audio

This past weekend a rally called “Unite the Right” was held in Charlottesville, VA, here in the U.S. It was a gathering of various white supremacists and white nationalists, including neo-Nazis and the KKK, among others. There were also counter-protests including a group of clergy who marched and prayed against the sin of white supremacy. […]

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Year A, Ordinary 19, 2017 – A Rock and a Hard Place

August 9, 2017 / Molly Douthett / Ordinary Time Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSWelcome back! Sometimes we face challenges and know it; the pressure surrounds us and threatens to overwhelm us, and we seem to have no good options. Other times, we walk into bad situations that in retrospect we should have seen coming. In the passages for […]

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Year A, Ordinary 18, 2017 – Wrassling

August 2, 2017 / Molly Douthett / Ordinary Time Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS Greetings!!  We’re back for another episode of intelligences, insights, and illustrations! This week, the theme seems to be a bit – sweaty. In Genesis, Jacob is preparing himself to meet his brother Esau for the first time in about twenty years and finds himself wrestling […]

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Year A, Ordinary 17, 2017 – Winning!

July 27, 2017 / Molly Douthett / Ordinary Time Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSHey everyone! We apologize for our tardiness getting the show out this week. Real life has been pulling us away from our laptops, which is a very good thing for our real world relationships, but not so great for our productivity. The clash between what […]

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Year A, Ordinary 16, 2017 – Adversity

July 20, 2017 / Molly Douthett / Ordinary Time Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSHello! There is a saying that reads: “A woman is like a teabag – you find out how strong she is when she’s in hot water.” (Eleanor Roosevelt is usually credited with this quote but there is not strong evidence it belongs to her.) All […]

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Year A, Ordinary 15, 2017 – Good Guy, Bad Guy, Same Guy?

July 12, 2017 / Molly Douthett / Ordinary Time Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSWelcome back! I spent a couple weeks lately playing Batman: Arkham City. I’m not a huge fan of the Batverse, but two of the passages for this week brought a character from this world to mind for me – Harvey Dent, aka Two Face. In […]

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Year A, Ordinary 14, 2017 – Faithful

July 4, 2017 / Molly Douthett / Ordinary Time Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSHey everyone! Have you ever needed to make a long trip with an uncertain outcome at the end of it? Have you ever struggled to break a bad habit? Have you ever given up in weariness and frustration? Have we got a show for you! […]

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Year A, Ordinary 13, 2017 – Your Choice

June 28, 2017 / D2 / Ordinary Time Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSHello! Welcome back! As usual, we have choices to make about sermons and worship for this week. We must admit that two of the three passages proved to be hard work for us. The Genesis passage is the story of Abraham’s near sacrifice of Isaac. […]

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Year A, Ordinary 12, 2017 – The Other Side

June 20, 2017 / D2 / Ordinary Time Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSHello, and welcome to this week’s show notes! The phrase “the Other Side” is surprisingly evocative, and a little slippery, as it can refer to so many things. It might mean a physical location away from yourself – the other side of the room or […]

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