Year C, Easter 5, 2016 – Love One Another

April 27, 2016 / Molly Douthett / Easter

Due to some traveling, we did not get this episode out in a timely manner. We gave some thought to just giving it a pass, but then decided that this selection of passages will come up again in three years, so why not go ahead and have something in place? This could be a good time to leave a note in our comments about what YOU did for this Sunday – HINT. At any rate, we are continuing the journey through Acts, John, and the book of Revelation.


This Week’s Texts

Acts 11 is supposed to go here but in the interest of time, we left this passage on the shelf. Looking over it, there is a LOT to be done with it and the intelligences. If you are so inclined, give it a go yourself and let us know what you find in it. I suspect this story of Peter’s vision could be mined for many jewels.


Revelation 21:1-6 [02:06] John’s vision of Jesus’ triumphant return is coming to a close. He sees a new heaven and a new earth as well as a new Jerusalem descending from the clouds. God chooses to make a home among mortals and in being present with us, God will wipe away all tears. John is told to write down everything he sees and hears because the words he is given are trustworthy and true. We used word, eye, people, and self smarts to explore the joy of recognizing God with us.

  • Smarts: Word [03:10], Eye [04:57], People [07:12], Self [09:50]
  • Revelation 21 worksheet


John 13:31-35 [11:34] Jesus has washed the disciples’ feet, Judas has left to go do what he is going to go do, and Jesus begins to give the remaining followers some instructions about how to live without him. He begins by telling them that they must love one another. By doing this, they will demonstrate they are his. We spend some time exploring this commandment using word, math, music, people and self smarts.

  • Smarts: Word [12:41], Math[13:35], Music [17:00], People [18:48], Self [19:52]
  • John 13 worksheet



Psalm 148 [21:13] Mad Libs-style template from The Worship Closet.




Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 

God Pause (search for April 13, 2016 for the story told by Steve Quill)

CBS’s The Good Wife episode, “Party” – We referred to a scene with Alicia and Hannah, but the whole episode deals with marriage.


Everywhere Michelle Branch

Math stuff (not a link but so you can see what David was talking about)

Vs. 31-32:
If x + y > 1,
then y + x > 1

If Y = f(x),
then X = f(y),
where f(n) = glorification of some variable n
x = Son of Man,
X= glorified Son,
y = God,
Y= glorified God


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