Year C, Lent 3, 2019 – Which Way?

March 22, 2019 / Molly Douthett / Lent

Hey everyone! Welcome! We are about half way through Lent and while we are on the way to Jerusalem and the cross, there is still some journey ahead. We just got back from some time in Texas where we relied on David’s phone to get us to and fro on Austin’s highways and side streets. Modern satellite technology makes “getting there” much less stressful, but drivers still need to make decisions while following the map. One of the basic decisions is whether the GPS’s data is reliable and up to date and can it be trusted. Another option for navigating is to follow someone who knows where they are going. For Lent, we are following Jesus, trusting he knows where he is going and that the data he has is trustworthy and reliable. What will we find when we get there?

You can see what we did with these passages (minus the psalm) three years ago at the link. We talked about Felix Baumgartner’s free fall from space, made a reference to the movie Jaws, and produced an “avocado of sinners.” Really. Go take a look!

Smarts of the Week – [01:58]

Since the beginning of Year C, we have introduced each intelligence with a brief description. This week, we make some suggestions as to how WORD and MUSIC smart can be utilized in worship. Also, this week’s worksheets are below!

This Week’s Texts:

Luke 13:1-9 – [06:07]

If you like to look up word meanings, WORD smart provides ample opportunity and in languages other than English, too! Luke records Jesus using a particular form of the word “repent. Often, we think of the word as a one time event that has a clear before and after. But the word is in the present tense subjunctive, which means it is a series of decisions made over time, which could be illustrated and demonstrated with a stop sign.

For MUSIC smart, David found several styles of music that fit the mood and motivation of the passage. He heard lament, warning, and protest, and so went looking for music that conveys each mood.

1 Corinthians 10:1-13 – [19:17]

Paul reminds the Corinthians of their spiritual ancestors’ journey in the wilderness in this passage, and David thought the way Paul wrote about it sounded like a fable. Fables are a word smart element because they are literature, but lo and behold! they can also be used in MUSIC when you see them set in verse! Check out the link below.

For WORD smart, use Paul’s words in your liturgy. Find ways to use his exact phrases as introductions to prayers or affirmations of forgiveness. Also, I went back to the show from three years ago and “borrowed” an idea about instruction booklets. Bring in something that has words written down for instruction.

Psalm 63:1-8 – [28:28]

Use this psalm in your liturgy for WORD smart special effects. We also have some quotes about this passage that might be useful for illustrations.

While the psalms are ancient hymns and are often the basis for more modern ones, can their theology and imagery be captured in modern love songs? Check out the list below for some examples.

Isaiah 55:1-9 – [37:34]

Isaiah is writing to people who’ve returned from exile to their homeland only to find it devastated and badly in need of repair. The effort needed even to begin was overwhelming, so these words from Isaiah offer support and encouragement for a people who have hit the bottom. David found more lists of songs for MUSIC smart. If you want to make your own music, try the special effect!

In WORD smart, think about the words “priceless” and “soul” and “hunger. These images are not only specific to an individual but common to the human experience. Might they also be the way God feels about us?

Image from Pexels, free to use

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